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Why Lafayette Academy?


Lafayette Academy 




Lafayette Academy is committed to the overall success of your son or daughter in school. Our motto is ‘bringing out the best in everyone,” and we mean it! We have an unparalleled dedication to your children. Obviously, any company can say this (and some do), but we’ve proven it … over and over again. Scroll down to see a few examples of what we mean.

Teaching to ‘Bring Out the Best’ – Although it is harder to manage, we have pioneered differentiated instruction for SAT Preparation because students with different learning needs learn more when they receive focused, relevant instruction.

Coaching to Success – Our owner coached 20 seasons of soccer and basketball for his four daughters. His positive coaching philosophy helped hundreds of girls succeed in and enjoy youth sports.  That same philosophy has helped over 30,000 local students at Lafayette Academy.

Not Just a Business – We are committed to the communities we work in. We proactively offer free tutoring and workshops to students who need more help. We want to see your students succeed and learn skills that will be beneficial throughout their lives.

Fun and Popcorn – We know that students learn more when they are comfortable and ready to learn. At Lafayette Academy, we try to create an environment where students feel at home. We even dare to say that many students are excited to come to the Academy to learn!

No Spin … Ever – we NEVER spin anything!  If we make a mistake, we own up to it and do whatever we can to make up for our mistake. If one of our services is not up to our standards, we fix it. We always tell you what we genuinely believe is best for your son or daughter, even if it’s not best for Lafayette Academy. We want to be your most trusted service provider. Period.

Lafayette Academy Family

You’re looking at 4 Campo grads and very proud parents.

Who We Are – Lafayette Academy is owned by Mark and Kathy Bressler.

We have lived in Lafayette since 1986, and all four of our daughters started at Burton Valley, continued through Stanley, and finished at Campo. We love the Lamorinda community and also appreciate the San Ramon Valley community (even “Danville moms”).  We’re sorry that the pandemic took such a toll on our company and we were forced to close our Danville and Moraga locations. Many of those students went online with us and love it!

All of our daughters were helped by The Academy and later graduated from college. Our youngest daughters (twins) graduated from U.C. Davis (Hillary) and Cal (Becca) in 2014; our oldest daughter Mallory graduated from the University of Michigan in 2006 (yes, we’re probably older than you), and our “middle” daughter Dana graduated from U.C. Santa Barbara in 2010. In case you’re wondering, Mallory coaches non-profit organizations; Dana is a product manager at Airbnb;  Becca is a producer at Radiolab, and Hillary has trained many of the well-behaved dogs you see in Lamorinda and Walnut Creek.

And, we now have three granddaughters, two in Berkeley with Mallory (and Ryan) and the other in Orinda with Dana (and Joe).  I can’t explain why our family only breeds girls.

Family Photo on Facebook

We are always trying to improve our company and we welcome your suggestions, questions, concerns, and positive feedback.

Thanks for listening,

Mark Bressler
Owner & (former) Lafayette Academy Dad




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