Final Exam Cram is the Best Way to Ace Finals. +20 years. window.scrollTo(0, 0);
(925) 284-1644

Final Exam Cram® Schedules & Registration

(no credit card required)

 Secure Your Spot for Final Exam Cram!

Welcome to Lafayette Academy’s Final Exam Cram registration page. Use the form below to reserve your session and access exam-specific details tailored to your needs. These focused tutoring sessions are designed to help you prepare with confidence and achieve your best results. Don’t wait—sign up today! 

 Pick Your School Below

Want to talk? Call (925) 284-1644 or click here on your mobile.


Why do families return to Final Exam Crams semester after semester? Here are just a few reasons…

“We went over everything on the final, in detail. The packet will really help me study.” Natalie S.

“My tutor completely understood what we had to cover and made sure we got everything. He was very good to work with and he explained my answers fully.” Tim D.

“The packet he gave us helped a bunch. It was a better review than I could ever have done by myself.” Jeff C.

“We learned more in this class than the whole semester. THANK YOU!!!” An anonymous Danville Student left this message on the whiteboard after a chemistry Exam Cram.

“The classes were REALLY substantial and overall a good review of the material over the semester, especially Spanish!” Megan I. (Spanish 2, Living Earth, Geometry)

“I thought the class helped a lot. My tutor was a great teacher and I ended up getting an A on my Biology final.” Alex R. (Biology, before it became Living Earth)

“My tutor is awesome. He was really patient and his explanations were easy to understand. Now I get it!” Joella P. (Advanced Algebra 2)

“I thought it was very helpful and it made studying a lot easier. It made me see where I needed to direct my studies.” Caitlin C. (Geometry)


Final Exams matter! Your GPA is the number one factor in college admissions … by far!

 Because many colleges no longer require  ACT and SAT scores for admissions, your GPA is more important than ever.  Final Exam Cram is the best way to start and organize finals prep.

What is Final Exam Cram®?

Final Exam Cram features school and subject-specific 2-hour review sessions that help students prepare for finals. Our experienced, knowledgeable instructors review and explain relevant course material, highlighting the most important topics from the semester.  Each student also receives a comprehensive study packet that complements and supplements the Cram (click on “study packet” to see a few sample pages).

Lafayette Academy has offered Final Exam Crams for over 20 years, and we have helped well over 20,000 students get higher grades. This is a no-brainer opportunity to help your son or daughter.

Final Exam Cram is Friday, December 13 – Tuesday, December 17 for Acalanes, Campo, Las Lomas, and Miramonte. Final Exam Crams will be in our Lafayette location and Online.


Top 5 Reasons to Enroll Today

  1. Final Exam Cram students get higher grades!
  2. Experienced instructors review and explain the most important topics.
  3. Each Cram includes a comprehensive review packet for follow-up finals prep.
  4. Only $99 for the 2-hour session, and the follow-up study packet.
  5. Final Exam Cram is the best way (by far) to begin finals prep.



Final Exam Cram


Lafayette Academy has mastered the art and science of Final Exam preparation.  Each year, we talk to our students before and after our Cram sessions to ensure that we are covering the right topics for the right amount of time.  Between our two-hour tutoring test prep sessions and the take-home packets, most students have everything they need to ace their finals.  We even include test-taking tips in each of our packets to ensure that students take ownership of their tests.

Our final exam preparation tutoring always takes place the weekend before finals.  This gives students plenty of time to identify their skill gaps and plan their finals week studies.  We try not to leave anything to chance.  Occasionally, we get something wrong (e.g. a new class or teacher), but we always do whatever we can to provide a FREE Cram session before the test to cover whatever topics we may have overlooked.

Final Exam Crams are ideal for students with an A, B, or C in a class heading into the final exam.  If your son or daughter has a D or an F in a particular class, we strongly recommend scheduling tutoring sessions as soon as possible.  It will take several sessions to bring your daughter or son up to an acceptable grade, and that assumes that the final counts enough to make a big difference.  Please don’t call us at the last minute hoping for a miracle.  We’re really good at what we do, but Rome wasn’t built overnight and neither are high-grade point averages.

Final exams for high school juniors are, of course, particularly critical. Being local to you and being one of the best tutoring centers in the country – that’s the ideal situation you could ask for in the highest quality exam help. Online final exam preparation help Lafayette, Moraga, Orinda, San Ramon, Danville, Walnut Creek and all SF Bay Area towns – we also offer this option for you.

Successful final exam preparation help for local high school students is being used right now by parents across the East Bay who are signing up for our Final Exam Cram sessions.


Lafayette Tutors