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Each student is different, and so are the methods by which he or she can achieve optimal learning success. As the parent of a student returning to the classroom, you may feel pressured to find the support and resources you need to help your child readjust to the traditional school environment, and to thrive both as a student and an individual.

Tutoring is the Key to Classroom Readjustment

Tutoring is the ideal means that parents can use to help students regain the academic confidence and skills they may have lost during the past year. The benefits of tutoring for children in the post-pandemic environment include individualized instruction that’s tailored to address each child’s unique learning style, skill-building to address any pandemic-induced deficiencies, and personalized explanations to boost self-confidence.

Learning Losses Can be Made Up

Research shows that compared to a typical school year, the pandemic year may have caused students to achieve only 70% of their previous learning gains in reading and 50% in math: almost a year behind in some grade levels. However, any learning losses that may have occurred during the recent school shutdowns can be made up through our highly personalized approach.

Through one-on-one tutoring at Lafayette Academy, your child can absorb new course material or re-examine previously covered content in a way that matches her or his particular learning style. After discussing the ideas and areas of proficiency that your student finds most challenging right now, one of our skilled tutors can come up with a customized plan to address each area of concern in the most effective way possible.

To schedule tutoring sessions with the best tutors for the semester at the best time for your schedule, get in touch with us today at Lafayette Academy. Our innovative programs include Master Math, which is founded on a system developed at Stanford University incorporating individualized instruction for students based on their specific learning level. We look forward to helping your child overcome any learning losses that he or she may have suffered over the past year, and even surpass their expectations.