Best Tutoring Center near me in Lamorinda. 6 Reasons Why. window.scrollTo(0, 0);
(925) 284-1644

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Lafayette Academy – Your Local Learning Center

“The Best Tutoring Center Near Me”


Great Tutors + “Local” Knowledge = Higher Grades

  • Lafayette Academy’s proprietary “tutoring curriculum” is a difference maker. We’re not giving away our secrets, but here are a few highlights:
  1. Our tutoring includes curriculum and strategies that “start where students stop.”
  2. Our most experienced tutors collaborate on curriculum and/or strategies. They know what works and mentor new LA tutors.
  3. All Lafayette Academy tutors aced difficult placement tests, and they have access to our proven approaches!
  4. We tailor strategies to students’ learning styles. We KNOW what works, with whom, and why.
  5. Our K-8 programs are assessment-driven, helping students advance 1-2 grade levels.


Tutoring Center Near Me

Guess which one is the tutor?

Tutoring for high school students


Lafayette Academy Tutors

  1. Our tutors are more invested in Lafayette Academy students than remote tutors.  We hire tutors with pride and empathy.
  2. We’re intimately familiar with the local schools textbooks and curriculum & our online tutoring targets school districts that use the same Math textbooks.
  3. Our online, private tutoring has become a focal point for Lafayette Academy. Not surprisingly, our families give it rave reviews.
  4. We expect our 2024/2025 students to get mostly A’s and some B’s! Every committed student can get a one or two-letter grade improvement.


Tutoring Center Near Me

Friendly, Thoughtful One-on-One Tutoring


Grades K-8 Programs

Three important programs for K-8 students: Master Math, Strategic Reading, and Intentional Writing. All programs are assessment-based to identify and correct any skill gaps that may have emerged during, before, or after CovidWe GUARANTEE that your students will catch up or get ahead!

  • The foundations for our K-8 programs are state-of-the-art online platforms that were developed by leading educational publishers.
  • However, these are not “computer-only” programs. Each student is led by a teacher who is familiar with local standards and benchmarks. This isn’t Kumon.
  • Master Math, Intentional Writers, and Strategic Reading will also help students with what they are learning in school … now.
  • We provide supplemental materials for students’ with atypical learning styles.
  • We regularly assess our students to ensure their progress: you will see noticeable improvements.

More About Lafayette Academy

  • The Tutoring Center Near Me

Our Philosophy & Other Important Considerations

Many of you know us well and probably don’t need to read the list below. Still, we want to make sure that everyone fully understands our commitment to your children. Simply stated, we will do whatever it takes to help your son or daughter (or both) thrive in school.

The Best Tutoring Center Near Me … Period

  • Our tutors won’t just “tutor.” If necessary, they will coach or mentor your children to identify any issues that might impact learning. #gameplans
  • Our relaxed, fun approach is not just designed to attract students. It’s conducive to learning because a relaxed learner gets and retains concepts more easily than one who is stressed out. What happens to your memory when you’re stressed?
  • Our tutors are the “adults” in the relationship. More than ever, your children need extra guidance to ensure that they remain focused on their work. More than ever, you need help from us because of the demands that have been placed upon you. For example, we won’t placate children who simply want us to help them with their homework. Our job is to explain the material so well that students can complete their own homework in a timely fashion.
  • Our tutors include young college graduates, current and retired teachers, local college students who did well in high school, and a variety of people with interesting backgrounds and great rapport with our students.
  • We can always find the right match for your child.
  • During the academic year, we tutor most subjects, 6 days a week (Saturday – Thursday), and we offer same-day tutoring.

“The Best Tutoring Center Near Me” (if you know what SEO is, you know why this albatross sentence is here. Sorry!)

  • There is no contract or upfront fee to start with Lafayette Academy.  We’re a community service first, business second.
  • If you’re having any financial issues, you can email me at or our office at
  • In case you haven’t figured this out, we genuinely care about our community and the families who trust us with their children.  Thanks for staying with us during these trying times.
  • We know all of our tutors, so we don’t need a robot or AI to make good matches between tutors and students. All tutors aced difficult placement tests to join our staff.

Once we learn about your student(s), we will find you a great match. Our tutors are intimately familiar with the local curriculum (and many of the teachers) in Lamorinda and the San Ramon Valley School District, particularly at Acalanes, Campo, Miramonte, and San Ramon Valley. Our rates vary from $44/hour (for prepaid Shadow Classes) – $79/hour for private tutoring. Again, we quietly help families with financial challenges.

The Best Tutoring Center Near Me

The Best Tutoring Center Near Me in Lafayette, and for Orinda, Moraga, Walnut Creek, and Alamo



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