Request Tutoring. Best 5 Reasons 4 Lafayette Academy Tutors window.scrollTo(0, 0);
(925) 284-1644

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Top 5 Reasons to Request Tutoring from Lafayette Academy

    1. Our tutors do NOT wing it; we know your school and its curriculum.
    2. Our “tutoring curriculum” library includes worksheets with the BEST WAYS to learn challenging topics.
    3. Plus, our tutors collaborate on Slack, sharing our collective knowledge.
    4. We identify students’ unique learning styles and (when appropriate) tailor our sessions accordingly.
    5. We help students game-plan paths to better grades.
    6. Request Tutoring Today!



Even More Reasons to Request Tutoring from Lafayette Academy (+ check out a few reviews below)

  1. Our tutors are available throughout the day 6 days a week.
  2. Our tutors are very familiar with local teachers, especially the ones who deviate from the norm.
  3. We are “Big Ideas Math” experts (textbooks used by many schools).
  4. We KNOW our online tutors, and they aced difficult placement tests.
  5. We have a small team to interview everyone.
  6. We quietly help families with financial challenges.
  7. You can request tutoring for last-minute help.


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ANXAkqEtd12DRPF1wsfHglpJ8wq SEbSeOrBbB4R1OuzIzI6ctvLu9cUDZwpE wYsH5e3Tz5t6UYg0oZLo2OkeV50iBCqQOhdkn2Rw4=s1600 w300 h300
Based on 31 reviews
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ACg8ocKfwTVyeBc0xqwZj5SSN3Z0eQWsXV5Q01hnSgrnA EP Kdsbw=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moGrace Dixon
19:19 16 May 24
Lafayette Academy has saved our sanity, ensured fewer late night homework sessions with well-meaning parents, and helped us all establish an excellent weekly tutoring routine we may all count on. Both of my daughters have thrived for years with the final exam crams and weekly tutoring. My older daughter utilized these tutors throughout her last year of high school and first year of college during the pandemic. She has straight A's so far, halfway through her junior year at SDSU--due in large part to the excellent foundation established with Lafayette Academy. My younger daughter has benefitted with your tutors for years, and also has straight A's halfway through her junior year in high school. Both my husband and I are very tight with our budget. We agree this is money well spent. This is an investment in our happy home and their future, and far superior to the alternative of unhappy homework evenings with tired parents, possibly lower test scores, and googling solutions to tough problems. Thank you Lafayette Academy!2024 Update: Thanks again Lafayette Academy! Our youngest still benefits from your weekly math tutoring, now in her senior year. She was accepted into Princeton with a full tuition scholarship this fall, as well as all UC's and Cal States to which she applied. In addition to math tutoring, she gained improvements in her ACT and SAT scores with your prep booklets/classes, as well as finals and AP test exam cram sessions. Our older daughter (who you tutored through 2020 pandemic in college) graduated college with straight A's and was accepted into Law School with a scholarship. Lafayette Academy was an investment that paid off financially and emotionally for this family. You have our endless gratitude.
ACg8ocIserHauTgxIRUcs87K5WQ dksW4cjh gDrUgo54tcQxud Cw=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moMike Meyers
13:52 14 Mar 23
ACg8ocKfqM7qFwKT6Z2HrAwke9oaL8cv59xvQvekswSa2bvRo7MPZA=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moSteven Staelin
20:06 09 Mar 23
This place has been really helpful for me and my academic career. The teachers there I found pretty engaging and would definitely recommend
ALV UjUjiGz4OhXyXe8f8O98DfI9amqGx0iPf H6ch3AbKq9yNDH2g=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp mo ba3Heidi Rose
20:54 06 Mar 23
Great choice to help your kid with High School. AP Shadow classes, Exam Crams, private tutoring. An excellent choice with knowledgeable teachers and responsive staff. Highly recommend!
ALV UjWKEaXaXHx8 Ev0uUU7RuPe1JXnPTsNP7hhZU4jCZx1ZZj0bKeI=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moIris Sorokin
16:22 06 Mar 23
ALV UjXgzVNkDqCmp0e Yrdz6eo QeHCnDFlfBcGN9zkgjGH9qHA pY=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moDani Malekafzali
22:22 07 Feb 23
Lafayette Academy is EXCELLENT! My daughter receives tutoring lessons from Claire in 2 subjects and is doing well in highschool. The Finals Cram sessions are FANTASTIC too!! Thank you for your support!!
ACg8ocIHBCThE1WtxlwgH41sq8 MwWphU1nHwRpZ4IdxBLIH xhvBA=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moCourtney E Love
23:01 16 Nov 22
Lafayette Academy is a life saver with high school kids. Wonderful tutors who are skilled teachers with deep subject knowledge. Scheduling is easy. It has been the extra support my kids need to do their best in school.
ALV UjXx8CTUxYTapUgXSw11YXLIWrfuzUPClGGfoyTGf9axhBC WqYigw=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moAimee Padden
15:35 01 Oct 22
We have utilized Lafayette Academy's services for ten years (possibly more). Their centers are staffed with experienced and knowledgeable tutors who can assist with tutoring in all academic areas along with ACT and SAT test prep, exam crams and more. I have two girls, who benefitted greatly over the years from their services. From middle school work to college level courses (they even helped my daughter who attended Cal Berkeley with her Business Statistics Course and my other daughter's Chemistry Course through San Diego State) Lafayette Academy had the appropriate staff on hand to assist with all of their needs.Their success can be attributed to the owners. The owner Mark B. with whom I conversed with regularly, is involved in his business and takes great care to ensure his clients are provided with excellent service. He and his staff are responsive and always have found the right fit for our daughters to ensure their academic success.I highly recommend Lafayette Academy! Simply put..they are the best!Aimee P. Alamo, CA
ALV UjVt53upYxp8tasYJaNqzLMmst8IkBRLvb698rIpVPHsIYDEAQ3 =s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moFarina Wares
22:02 19 Jun 12
I attended Lafayette Academy for junior and senior year of high school and couldn't have made it without them. The tutors hired are professionals in each subject they teach, and they have always clearly answered each of my questions and made sure I understood all the concepts. If I came unprepared, the tutors still filled up the hour by explaining the chapter and homework with me, since they keep copies of the of our books. Even in the last 30 seconds of class, they always tried to finish the problem we were on. The place is also well equipped with a range of books and resources to use when a student forgets to bring something.The SAT course is also great. The class size is about 4 to 10 and the students are provided with the College Board SAT book, and a thick binder of homework. The owner, Mark, also hangs around and tutors some classes. He cares so much for the students that he made me aware of free SAT nights and spent hours trying to teach me the tactics that would benefit my learning style the best. My SAT score increased hundreds of points, after all the work.The tutors are all very nice and joke around with us in the middle of the classes to keep us entertained. The place is composed of separate rooms for each session the schedule is also very flexible to the point where I regularly called the day before to make an appointment or to cancel an appointment free of charge. Lafayette Academy is more than what it seems and a family will only understand the benefits after experiencing them. The students who were dedicated to their work and the tutors' advice all gained admission into excellent universities.