Intentional Writing is "Thoughtful" Writing; Amazing Results window.scrollTo(0, 0);
(925) 284-1644

Intentional Writing

Intentional Writing

Intentional Writing utilizes adaptive, animated, game-like educational technology to help young students develop their writing and grammar skills.

Cultivating Your Child’s Writing Voice

Lafayette Academy’s goal is to nurture your children into becoming “intentional writers,” who express themselves clearly and concisely. We accomplish this by identifying and closing foundational writing gaps that prevent children from finding their writing voice and style. Intentional Writers are thoughtful writers.

Our students develop a well-rounded appreciation for the power of the pen and will experience greater confidence throughout their academic careers. You will see better writing. Period.

Our gifted tutors help children improve their writing styles, grammar skills, and vocabulary. You will see real writing improvements and noticeable growth in your child’s confidence and self-esteem.

Writing For Grades K-8

Intentional Writing
  • Intentional Writers is driven by adaptive technology that guides personalized instruction based on each student’s writing level and skill gaps.
  • Although technology is the foundation of our Intentional Writers program, every student is supported by a highly experienced teacher.

Why Lafayette Academy?

  • We have experienced, personable teachers who complete extensive training for each program.
  • Our personalized assessments reveal skill gaps that are addressed in our programs; we also incorporate each student’s learning style(s).
  • Our instructors monitor your child’s progress EVERY week.
  • Our instructors will incorporate study skills, and mentoring (when necessary) with subject-specific help.
  • We are continuing to raise the bar for online instruction, and we will do whatever it takes to ensure student success.
Whether your child is working on open ended homework questions, writing a class report/paper, or answering an essay question on a standardized test, Lafayette Academy can help him or her answer prompts with confidence and writing that is clear, concise, and rich in grade level vocabulary.

The (not so) Fine Print

  • Each session is 60 minutes, long enough to be meaningful and short enough to keep your son or daughter’s attention.
  • The first 30 minutes of the session is spent on Redbird; the remaining 30 minutes on current classwork, projects, test preparation, and/or homework.
  • You can purchase 18 or 36 session packages: 18 sessions are $79/hour ($1,422 + assessments); 36 sessions are $69/hour ($2,484), including ongoing assessments).
  • The initial comprehensive assessment is $150.
Lafayette Academy is committed to helping K-8 students reach their full potential.

We will continue to offer effective, personalized, and positive programs that help young students reach their potential. Our programs will always include a teacher and NEVER be characterized as “drill and kill.”

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