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The Inside Story Blog

What I Wish I Knew When …

Emailed Insights that Matter (and aren’t obvious)

About The Inside Story Blog

Occasionally, you will read something funny in The Inside Story, and I hope you will chuckle. But, and this is a BIG BUT, please do not confuse my (sometimes) feeble attempts at humor with genuinely great advice or insights. We really do know a lot about parenting and academia at Lafayette Academy and we hope you will recognize the “grab you by the shoulders” moments when we’re dispensing life-changing (no exaggeration) tips.

5 Overlooked Reading Comprehension Benefits

Reading comprehension is the most important academic fundamental, with immeasurable benefits. Some reading comprehension benefits are well-documented: improved reasoning skills, insightful writing, faster reading, and better performance in many subjects. These...

High School Student Challenges

3 Unexpected Challenges of Raising High School Students (and How to Solve Them)   Are you wondering why your chatty child has turned into a brooding teenager? Many parents focus on the academic aspects of raising high school students because their children are...

Should You Take the SAT Test or ACT Test and When?

The ACT or SAT is not required to get admitted to a great college, including the University of California schools.  Nonetheless, doing well on either test will enhance a student's profile at many schools. Most higher achieving students should take the SAT test,  ACT...

Improve Your Child’s Academic Confidence

Academic confidence distinguishes the top students from everyone else. At Lafayette Academy, we do whatever we can to help our students gain more confidence in school. We personalize instruction so our students can experience "aha" moments in their tutoring sessions...

Summer Grades Matter

Not many people understand the importance of summer school. It not only benefits a child’s learning process, but it...